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VEO works with all Georgia veterans to assist with employment opportunities, including participants in the Unsheltered to Housed program. Veterans come into the workforce with prior training and skills and it is our job to translate that knowledge into a civilian context and identify potential career paths.

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Financial Literacy 

Our expert instructors will guide you through various aspects of personal finance. From budgeting and saving to investing and credit management, you'll gain valuable insights to help you make informed financial decisions.


VEO cybersecurity

QTS: Cybersecurity and Data Management

Discover the vast range of opportunities available in cybersecurity and data management from industry experts who have firsthand experience in this rapidly growing field. Whether you have a background in technology or not, this event is open to all veterans who are interested in exploring a career in cybersecurity. 


VEO resume building

Job Readiness

You'll have the opportunity to meet with our staff for resume building, interview tips, networking strategies and personal branding. You will gain valuable insights and either start your career journey or take it to the next level. We are here to support your success.



Did you know?

11,000 GA veterans are unemployed and 30.2% of US veterans ages 18 to 25 are unemployed.

Veteran Impact in Workforce 

VEO works with businesses and community partners to provide access to veterans. Veterans are an economic boom in communities where they are able to employ their training, expertise, and sense of camaraderie. 


VEO has 50+ community partners that provide access to jobs for veterans.   


Veterans support the 
economy with over $1 trillion 
in revenue every year


Veteran-owned businesses employ more than five

million people.


Check Out Our Blog

Immerse yourself in our collection of powerful Photos from Veterans Empowerment Organization events. Witness the impact and camaraderie in every image. Explore our Media gallery to relive the moments that define our mission.

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